Best-in-class services provided by Airbus FHS and Satair.
ACJ relies on Satair and FHS working together to provideMaterial services to ACJ MROs. Material Services’ purpose is to provide parts, pools access and component repairs, and manage the aviation material supply chain and logistics. With a strong regional footprint and deep expertise in material management, the organisation supports the complete life cycle of the aircraft for multi-fleet customers across the world.
Ground Support Equipment & Tools
As an aircraft OEM, we are uniquely positioned to provide you with the latest innovative tools to optimise your maintenance, should it come from our fleet-wide exposure to customer needs, our aircraft Technical Data and Planned Maintenance know-how, or partnership with key aircraft suppliers to develop and certify their ground support means.
TESTIA's mission is to develop inspection solutions and tools that will ultimately improve your efficiency. As an expert in this field, TESTIA offers a full range of products and equipment which aim at reducing inspection time, as well as facilitating defect detection.
3D Repair
Damage assessment, repair & tracking:
3D Repair is a new mobile solution to assess, report and keep record of structural damages with all repair details for mixed fleets. It uses 3D models for quick and easy damage positioning and recording.
Engineering Data Package
To support our partners handling VIP ACJ cabin modification projects, Airbus has created a specific “Engineering Data Package for ACJ.
It can include:
- Technical documents
- Rapid decompression analysis + advisory
- Engineering support
- Shear loads analysis